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Geoff Holden, chief executive, Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA)




As highlighted in the LEEA article in the last issue of LRW magazine, most lifting accidents can be traced back to human error. Often these mistakes are made by workers with virtually no relevant training or experience. Given that the consequences can be so serious, it is hard to understand why employers would entrust lifting operations to staff so obviously lacking in the necessary skills. One explanation is that, because overhead lifting is such a long-established and commonplace activity, it is too easy to take for granted. Most of the equipment involved is very familiar and appears easy to operate. Furthermore, compared to some other industrial activities, there is often a lack of appreciation of the potential risks involved. To compound these problems, even employers that do understand the need to use competent staff can sometimes struggle to implement genuinely effective training programmes.




When considering the training requirements for overhead lifting, the starting point should be a clear recognition that four distinct job functions are involved: planning; supervision; operation; and the test and thorough examination of lifting equipment. Although in many cases the same person will take on more than one of these roles, it is vital to understand that each has a different set of requirements. This must be reflected in the initial selection of suitable candidates, and the content of the training programmes they undertake.




For example, training for staff responsible for planning lifting operations will need to address issues such as the identification of hazards, assessment of associated risks, and methods of controlling them. Supervisors must exercise a level of supervision appropriate to the risk. However, even for low risk, routine operations, they need to ensure that the competence of operators is monitored and requirements for any additional or refresher training are identified. Lifting equipment operators will obviously need to be trained in the correct use of equipment and in identifying and understanding equipment markings. Their training should also cover daily equipment check procedures, pre-lift checks such as load and angle estimation, reporting defects, and the correct methods of attaching loads. Appropriate storage of lifting equipment should also be addressed, along with the importance of seeking advice in case of doubt.




The test and thorough examination of lifting equipment is a demanding task, distinct from the routine checks that should be performed regularly by operators and/or supervisors. It requires a combination of theoretical knowledge of the equipment involved, and the ability to put that knowledge into practice. For several decades, the LEEA’s Diploma has been recognised around the world as the leading qualification for engineers undertaking test and thorough examination of lifting equipment. And to prepare engineers for the Diploma examination, the LEEA offers a range of distance learning and practical training courses. A truly international qualification, the Diploma examination is taken by hundreds of engineers every year, at exam centres worldwide.




For those involved in planning, supervising and performing overhead lifting operations, there is generally no shortage of commercial training provision. However, the effectiveness of these courses can vary widely. When assessing their ability to make a real impact on employee skills, two particular issues are critical. The first is the quality of the instructor. Competence and experience must be combined with good motivational and communication skills. The second is the need for effective appraisal, which may include both written and practical tests. Only when both have been successfully completed should trainees be given specific authorisation to plan, perform and/or supervise lifting operations.




Recognising the need to help employers identify good quality training for end users of lifting equipment, the LEEA launched an Accredited Training Company scheme in 2009. Under this programme, member companies that meet the LEEA’s independently verified set of standards can offer an approved range of professionally designed courses covering subjects such as lifting and slinging and lifting equipment inspection. The accreditation process is undertaken by the LEEA’s own team of technical officers, and sets demanding criteria in areas including the qualifications and experience of trainers, the standard of training facilities, and the quality of trainee assessment.




In common with a number of engineering disciplines, over recent years the lifting industry has faced significant shortages of skilled and experienced staff. However, whilst this no doubt poses challenges, it is not an excuse for employers to entrust lifting operations to inadequately trained personnel. Equally, any training programmes that are undertaken should be more than box-ticking exercises. They must have the rigour necessary to make a real impact. Every aspect of overhead lifting needs to be acknowledged as a specialist task, undertaken only by genuinely competent staff. Ultimately, though, this is only part of the story. Experience suggests that the safest working environments not only respect these rules, they also promote a wider culture in which staff are empowered, and feel free to report problems and raise concerns with their managers, without fear of repercussions. In these workplaces, safety becomes a common objective, shared by the whole team, rather than a set of procedures imposed from the top down. As well as securing high safety standards, it is probably no coincidence that this type of approach typically delivers impressive levels of productivity and efficiency as well. 



译者:Eric YangGLE通运吊装工程技术有限公司,联系邮箱:yangls@skiplifting.com


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